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Monday, February 2, 2015

MLASERP-Laser Phones

Laser Phones

Given below code is for MLASERP spoj or laser phones spoj.

Explanation : - 

First find the positions of the cow where they are situated . Now make one of them as source and other one destination . Now start bfs from source an apply bfs in following manner .

1-> for each cell having row = source.row or column = source.column make distance =0 as you need no mirror  and push all that in queue.

2-> Next time whichever node you popped from queue , check if distance of all cell having row =poppedcell.row or column = poppedcell.column is greater then distance filled in poppedcell + 1 , if condition is true then push the node in queue .

Repeat above process till you reach the destination node.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define pii pair<int , int >
bool check[109][109];
int main(){
    int n , m;
    string s[n+9];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)

    pii source , dest;
    bool first = 1;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n  ; i ++){
        for(int j = 0 ; j < m ; j++)
            if(s[i][j] == 'C'){
                    source = mp(i , j) , first = 0;
                    dest = mp(i , j);
    queue<pair<int , int > > q;
    int res = 0;
    int dist[109][109];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 109 ; i++)
        for(int j = 0 ; j < 109 ; j++)
            dist[i][j] = INT_MAX;

        int i , j ; 
        i = q.front().first;
        j = q.front().second;
        int u = i, v = j;
        while(u+1 < n && s[u+1][j]!='*'  ){
            if( dist[u+1][j] > dist[i][j] + 1){
                q.push(mp(u+1 , j));
                dist[u+1][j] = dist[i][j] +1;
        u = i;
        while(u-1 >=0 && s[u-1][j]!='*'  ){
            if(dist[u-1][j] > dist[i][j] + 1){
                q.push(mp(u-1 , v) );
                dist[u-1][j] = dist[i][j] +1;
        while(v+1 < m && s[i][v+1]!='*' ){
            if( dist[i][v+1] > dist[i][j] + 1){
                q.push(mp(i , v+1));
                dist[i][v+1] = dist[i][j] +1;
        v = j;
        while(v-1 >= 0 && s[i][v-1]!='*'  ){
            if(dist[i][v-1] > dist[i][j] + 1){
                q.push(mp(i , v-1) );
                dist[i][v-1] = dist[i][j] + 1;
    return 0;

1 comment:

  1. Please clarify the time complexity of the solution is it O(n^2).


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