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And my humble request to you all that don't copy the code only try to understand the logic and algorithm behind the code. I have started this because if you tried as hard as you can and still can't find any solution to the problem then you can refer to this.
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Monday, June 2, 2014

CRAN01-An Experiment by Penny

An Experiment by Penny

Below given c++ code is for CRAN01 spoj or An experiment by penny.

Here to find the logic you can test it for some small test by pen & paper. For myself I have checked for approx. 20 test cases then I got the logic .

Logic is maximum corner distance from given point is the minimum time to fill the entire box.
For example I am taking a grid of 7 x 7 and starting position as (4,5).

Here in the above table there are four corners coloured as yellow green black & blue and the starting position is red coloured box. Now the corners coloured with yellow and black are at maximum distances = 7 So here answer will be 7 .I get this logic from observation so if you want to clear your logic please use pen & paper and draw some small test cases or use brute-force.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int t;
        int n,m,x,y;
        int r1,r2,r3,r4,result;
        r1 = abs(x-1) + abs(y-1);
        r2 = abs(x-1) + abs(y-m);
        r3 = abs(x-n) + abs(y-1);
        r4 = abs(x-n) + abs(y-m);
        result = max(r1,max(r2,max(r3,r4)));
    return 0;
here also python 2.7 code is for CRAN01 spoj or An experiment by penny.

import sys,math
while t:
    n,m = map(int,sys.stdin.readline().split())
    x,y = map(int,sys.stdin.readline().split())
    r1 = abs(x-1) + abs(y-1)
    r2 = abs(x-1) + abs(y-m)
    r3 = abs(x-n) + abs(y-1)
    r4 = abs(x-n) + abs(y-m)
    result = max(r1,max(r2,max(r3,r4)))

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