Binary Search Tree
here the c code for all short of traversal in binary search tree such as inorder traversal postorder traversal and preorder traversal using both recursive and iterative method.and insertion and deletion operation in c.
here the c code for all short of traversal in binary search tree such as inorder traversal postorder traversal and preorder traversal using both recursive and iterative method.and insertion and deletion operation in c.
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//CODE IS LITTLE BIT LENGTHY BUT VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *LCHILD; struct node *RCHILD; }*tree; struct stack { struct node *addr[100]; int top; }s,s1,s2; void push(struct node *val,struct stack *temp) { if(temp->top==99) { printf("overflow\n"); return ; } temp->addr[++temp->top]=val; } struct node *pop(struct stack *temp) { if(temp->top==-1) { printf("under flow\n"); return NULL; } return temp->addr[temp->top--]; } struct node *peep(struct stack * temp) { if(temp->top==-1) return NULL; return temp->addr[temp->top]; } void add(struct node **,int val);//add node in binary tree struct node *create(int val);//create node void print_preorder(struct node *);//preorder traversal using stack void print_inorderR(struct node *);//inorder traversal by recursion void print_inorder(struct node *);//inorder traversal using stack void print_postorder(struct node *tr);//postorder traversal using recursion void print_postorderR(struct node *tr);//postorder traversal using stack/ itterative method void printTree(struct node *tree,int level);//print tree triangle void caseB(struct node **tree,struct node *loc,struct node * ploc);//case A of deletion when node have both child void caseA(struct node **tree,struct node * loc,struct node *ploc);//case B of deletion when node have one or no child void delete_Node(struct node ** tree,int val);//delete node from tree struct node *search_P(struct node *tree,int val);//search parent of node struct node *search(struct node *tree,int val);//search node of tree void clear_tree(struct node **); int main() { tree=NULL;;;; REPEAT: printf("\n\n\nENTER YOUR CHOICE\n"); printf("1->add node to tree\n"); printf("2->print in preorder tree\n"); printf("3->print in inorder traversal by rcursive method\n"); printf("4->print in inorder through itterative method\n"); printf("5->print in postorder through recursive method\n"); printf("6->print in postorder by itterative method\n"); printf("7->delete a node from tree\n"); printf("8->clear all node of tree\n"); printf("9->exit \n"); int choice,val; scanf("%d",&choice); system("clear"); switch(choice) { case 1: scanf("%d",&val); add(&tree,val); printTree(tree,1); break; case 2: print_preorder(tree); break; case 3: print_inorderR(tree); break; case 4: print_inorder(tree); break; case 5: print_postorderR(tree); break; case 6: print_postorder(tree); break; case 7: printf("enter the value of node to be deleted\n"); scanf("%d",&val); delete_Node(&tree,val); break; case 8: clear_tree(&tree); break; case 9: exit(1); default: printf("your choice is incorrect\n"); } goto REPEAT; return 0; } struct node *create(int val) { struct node *temp; temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp->data=val; temp->LCHILD=NULL; temp->RCHILD=NULL; return temp; } void add(struct node **tr,int val) { struct node *copy,*copy1; copy=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); copy1=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); copy1=*tr; if(copy1==NULL) { *tr=create(val); return ; } if(val>=copy1->data) add(&(copy1->RCHILD),val); else add(&(copy1->LCHILD),val); } void print_preorder(struct node *tree1) { struct node *copy,*p; copy=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); copy=tree1; if(copy==NULL) printf("EMPTY TREE\n"); else push(copy,&s); while(>=0) { p=pop(&s); while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",p->data); if(p->RCHILD!=NULL) push(p->RCHILD,&s); p=p->LCHILD; } } printf("\n"); } void print_inorderR(struct node *tr) { struct node *copy,*p; copy=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); copy=tr; if(copy==NULL) { printf("EMPTY TREE\n"); return ; } if(copy->LCHILD!=NULL) print_inorderR(copy->LCHILD); printf("%d\t",copy->data); if(copy->RCHILD!=NULL) print_inorderR(copy->RCHILD); } void print_inorder(struct node *tr) { struct node *p; p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p=tr; push(NULL,&s1); step_2: while(p!=NULL) { push(p,&s1); p=p->LCHILD; } p=pop(&s1); while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",p->data); if(p->RCHILD!=NULL) { p=p->RCHILD; goto step_2; } p=pop(&s1); } } void print_postorderR(struct node *tr) { struct node *p; p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p=tr; if(p==NULL) { printf("empty tree\n"); return; } if(p->LCHILD!=NULL) print_postorderR(p->LCHILD); if(p->RCHILD!=NULL) print_postorderR(p->RCHILD); printf("%d\t",p->data); } void print_postorder(struct node *root) { if(root==NULL) return; do { while(root!=NULL) { if(root->RCHILD!=NULL) push(root->RCHILD,&s2); push(root,&s2); root=root->LCHILD; } root=pop(&s2); if(root->RCHILD!=NULL && root->RCHILD==peep(&s2)) { pop(&s2); push(root,&s2); root=root->RCHILD; } else { printf("%d\t",root->data); root=NULL; } }while(!=-1); } void printTree(struct node *tree,int level) { int i; if(tree!=NULL) { printTree(tree->RCHILD,level+1); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<level;i++) printf(" "); printf("%d",tree->data); printTree(tree->LCHILD,level+1); } } struct node *search(struct node *tree,int val) { struct node *temp; temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(int)); if(tree==NULL) return NULL; if(tree->data==val) return tree; else if(tree->data<val) return search(tree->RCHILD,val); else return search(tree->LCHILD,val); } struct node *search_P(struct node *tree,int val) { struct node *save,*temp; temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); save=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp=tree; save=tree; if(temp->data==val) return NULL; else if(val>temp->data) temp=temp->RCHILD; else temp=temp->LCHILD; while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->data==val) return save; else if(val>temp->data){ save=temp; temp=temp->RCHILD;} else{ save=temp; temp=temp->LCHILD;} } return NULL; } void delete_Node(struct node ** tree,int val) { struct node *loc,*ploc,*temp; loc=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ploc=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp=*tree; if(*tree==NULL) return ; loc=search(temp,val); if(loc==NULL) { printf("NODE NOT FOUND\n"); return ; } ploc=search_P(temp,val); if(loc->RCHILD!=NULL && loc->LCHILD!=NULL) caseB(tree,loc,ploc); else caseA(tree,loc,ploc); } void caseA(struct node **tree,struct node * loc,struct node *ploc) { struct node *child; child=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("deleted node=%d\n",loc->data); if(loc->RCHILD==NULL && loc->LCHILD==NULL) child=NULL; else if(loc->RCHILD==NULL) child=loc->LCHILD; else child=loc->RCHILD; if(ploc!=NULL){ if(ploc->RCHILD==loc) ploc->RCHILD=child; else ploc->LCHILD=child;} else (*tree)=child; } void caseB(struct node **tree,struct node *loc,struct node * ploc) { struct node *suc,*par_suc; suc=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); par_suc=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("deleted node=%d\n",loc->data); suc=loc->RCHILD; par_suc=loc; while(suc->LCHILD!=NULL) { par_suc=suc; suc=suc->LCHILD; } caseA(tree,suc,par_suc); if(ploc!=NULL) { if(loc==ploc->RCHILD) ploc->RCHILD=suc; else ploc->LCHILD=suc; } else (*tree)=suc; suc->LCHILD=loc->LCHILD; suc->RCHILD=loc->RCHILD; } void clear_tree(struct node **tree) { if(*tree==NULL) return; clear_tree(&(*tree)->RCHILD); clear_tree(&(*tree)->LCHILD); *tree=NULL; free(*tree); }
Any more operation in binary search tree please suggest
ReplyDeletesome more function should be added
ReplyDelete1.preoredr traversal using recursion
2.depth of BST
3.longest path of tree
and many more